Featured Publications

  1. Strickland JW and Gozani SN. Accuracy of In-office Nerve Conduction Studies for Median Neuropathy. A Meta-analysis. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2011;36(1):52-60.  For abstract, click here.

  2. Shepherd MM. Clinical outcomes of electrodiagnostic testing conducted in primary care. J Am Board Fam Med. 2010;23(5):584-90.  For full text article, click here.

  3. Perkins BA, Orszag A, Grewal J, Ng E, Ngo M, Bril V. Multi-site Testing With a Point-of-Care Nerve Conduction Device Can Be Used in an Algorithm to Diagnose Diabetic Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy. Diabetes Care. 2008;31(3):522-4.  For full text article, click here.   

  4. Tracey BH, Iyer D, Lesser EA, Potts FJ, Gozani SN. Comparison of expert and algorithm agreement in measurement of nerve conduction study parameters. Biomed Signal Process Control. 2010;5(2):158-63.  For abstract, click here.